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Title CBDFx 500 Series-Lemon Lime Mint Green Gorilla Botanical CBD Balm Muscle Mx CBD Blam-Recovery The Source Cayenne 90,000HU
Price   $29.99$79.99 $13.50$199.95 $19.89
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CBDfx Hemp Oil Tinctures are some of the purest CBD oils available. Blended with only two ingredients, the CBDfx tinctures provide you with a potent dose of the highest quality, full spectrum CBD oil in a conjunction with wholesome MCT oil.
Our CBD oil is CO2 extracted from organically grown which preserves the vital range of cannabinoids, amino acids, omega 3-6 and 9’s and natural vitamins.
High strength broad spectrum CBD hemp MCT oil
16.5mg of CBD per 1ml dropper
Gluten Free
less than 0.2% THC content

The Botanical CBD Balm combines hemp with powerful herbal oils to nourish the body. Ingredients like arnica, eucalyptus, and lavender oil provide an instant cooling feeling to help calm the body and mind. It has an abundance of phytonutrients and essential fatty acids, making it highly moisturizing, conditioning, and protecting.

Sku - CBD Balm - -
Availability In stock In stock In stock In stock
Weight 1 oz 1.7 oz - -
Dimensions N/A N/A N/A N/A
Price $29.99$79.99 $13.50$199.95 $19.89